Diecke, JosephineMatuszkiewicz, Kai2024-07-122024-07-122024https://necsus-ejms.org/navigating-new-horizons-openness-blogs-and-media-studies/https://mediarep.org/handle/doc/24309The transformation of established academic publishing systems is reshaping the landscape of media studies and emerging publication formats are challenging traditional habits. This article examines open access publication practices through the prism of the Open Media Studies Blog (OMS Blog). With a praxeological lens, the study delves into the sociotechnical dimensions of this shifting media studies publication environment. Central to our inquiry is the concept of ‘lived’ open science. Our open science philosophy guides content curation, format selection, and engagement strategies, shaping the very essence of our scholarly endeavors. By placing our own editorial practices under the microscope, we engage in a form of self-reflection that elucidates the challenges and triumphs of embracing openness. We probe the boundaries of openness, recognising the intricate interplay of financial, technical, social, political, and strategic factors that shape our scholarly endeavors. This study also examines the evolving roles of authors, editors, publishers, and readers in response to evolving scholarly demands. We question whether we are prepared, supported, and empowered to challenge prevailing structures that uphold inequality.engopen scienceopen accessblogsacademic publishingcommunication300000|ddc:700Navigating new horizons: Openness, blogs, and media studies10.25969/mediarep/228212213-0217