Hagener, Malte2019-01-082019-01-082016https://www.necsus-ejms.org/test/even-today-there-are-people-who-think-these-harmless-little-books-are-dangerous-an-interview-with-david-bordwell/https://mediarep.org/handle/doc/4123After a distinguished career at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, David Bordwell remains active as a scholar, as a public speaker, and as a visitor at film festivals. With his partner Kristin Thompson he has not only written three important books – FILM ART: AN INTRODUCTION (1979; 10th edition 2010), probably the most widely used introductory film studies book; FILM HISTORY: AN INTRODUCTION; and THE CLASSICAL HOLLYWOOD CINEMA: FILM STYLE & MODE OF PRODUCTION UNTIL 1960 (with Janet Staiger, 1985) – but he also maintains the blog Observations on Film Art (http://www.davidbordwell.net/blog/), which includes reports from his ongoing research, discoveries at film festivals, and discussions of current issues in film culture. This email dialogue touches his career, the ‘paradigm wars’, and the current situation in which film culture is being reconfigured.engCreative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 GenericKinoFilmInterviewcinemafilm791Even today there are people who think these harmless little books are dangerous: An interview with David BordwellDavid Bordwell10.25969/mediarep/33542213-0217