Chow, Pei-Sze2020-08-172020-08-172020-07-06 article examines the nascence of artificial intelligence (AI) applications in the film industry at the greenlighting stage, where decisions are made as to the feasibility and earning potential of film projects. Through a qualitative analysis of company case studies, interviews, and media discourse, I interrogate and tease out the ethical, cultural, and industrial implications emerging from the use of AI in influencing decisions about film production, particularly the ways the use of AI might influence notions of creativity, labour, and reception. The article sets out possible research agendas for the future to critically engage with this emerging phenomenon.engCreative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 GenericEinspielergebnisFilmproduktionFilmwissenschaftMaschinenlernenSkriptanalyseprädiktive Algorithmenbox office performancefilm productionfilm studiesintelligencemachine learningpredictive algorithmsscript analysis791Ghost in the (Hollywood) machine: Emergent applications of artificial intelligence in the film industry10.25969/mediarep/143072213-0217