Soriano, Rehuel Nikolai2023-11-202023-11-202023 Baki series, created by Keisuke Itagaki, is a globally popular anime and manga franchise that has captivated audiences with its striking visual aesthetic and depic-tion of martial arts. However, despite its widespread popularity, there is a notable lack of scholarly research on the series, particularly in relation to its spiritual and philosophical themes. This article addresses this gap by offering a contextualized anal-ysis of Baki that explores the complex intersection of religion, aesthetics, and popular culture in Japanese society. Through an examination of the series’ representation of Eastern religious and philosophical traditions, this study provides insights into broad-er cultural attitudes towards masculinity, violence, and martial arts in Japan and the global community. By shedding light on the spiritual themes present in the Baki series, it contributes to the global discourse on popular culture, martial arts, and spirituality, offering a nuanced perspective on the multifaceted nature of Japanese culture and its influence on the wider world.engCreative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 4.0 GenericSpiritual QuestKeisuke ItagakiBaki SeriesSynthesisEastern ReligiousFiguresAestheticsMartial ArtsJapanese Anime700The Spiritual Quest in Keisuke Itagaki’s Baki Series. A Synthesis of Eastern Religious Figures, Aesthetics, and Martial Arts in a Japanese Anime10.25364/05.9:2023.2.410.25969/mediarep/201242617-3697