Burkhardt, MarcusShnayien, MaryGrashöfer, KatjaApprich, Clemens2020-09-222020-09-222020https://explorations.meson.press/media/Apprich_Paranoid_Machine.pdfhttps://mediarep.org/handle/doc/15837In the following article I want to propose the idea of a paranoid machine, in order to reflect on some of today’s developments in digital cultures. Starting from the assumption that we experience a shift from mass media to social media, I will show how paranoia can provide a diagnostic tool to analyze such a transformation. Paranoia as a method helps to shed light on the epistemological, technological, ethical, political, and aesthetical implications of a (post-)digital world. The paranoid machine exposes hidden assumptions in computer code and calls for intervention in the narcissist and homophilic disposition of digital cultures.engCreative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 Genericdigitale KulturMaschineParanoiaDigital CultureParanoiaMedia Theory004The Paranoid Machine: Five Theses on Digital Cultures10.25969/mediarep/14850https://doi.org/10.14619/1716