Raley, Rita2022-01-062022-01-062008https://mediarep.org/handle/doc/18681Mark Hansen and Ben Rubin’s Listening Post is at once a post (site) for ‘listening to the web’, an installation comprised of 21 columnar posts (suspended chain-circuit displays), and an algorithmically manipulated series of chat posts (messages). It is postmodern, post-linear, post-print, and post-literate. With regard to the post-literate, this paper will ask what Listening Post has to tell us about new forms of electronic English. The conjunction of colloquial speech and processing languages in this installation brings into sharp contrast the relations between textual ambiguity and the singularity of programming commands, which cannot function with multiple significations. In sum, my reading will address the project’s post-ness; listening in the sense of both conversation and sound art; and the aesthetics of listing.engCreative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 GenericDigital Mediaart installation791List(en)ing Post10.25969/mediarep/177171617-6901