Schäfer, Jörgen2022-01-062022-01-062008 the ongoing debates between ‘ludologists’ and ‘narratologists’, the "interactive drama" Façade is apparently a response to widespread unease with mainstream computer games. By balancing between features of interactivity and (neo-)Aristotelian theory of drama, the developers Michael Mateas and Andrew Stern aim at enabling hybrid aesthetic experiences that combine elements of gameplay and performance. My paper explores how digital media require hybridizations of literary genres as well as reconfigurations of the complex interplay of human and non-human ‘actors’ – and it tries to point at both the opportunities and problems of these hybrid forms from the perspective of literary and performance studies.engCreative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 GenericInteractive Fictiongenre theoryintertextuality791Looking Behind the Façade: Playing and Performing an Interactive Drama10.25969/mediarep/17719FACADE1617-6901