Bernard, AndreasKoch, MatthiasLeeker, MartinaMonnin, Alexandre2018-09-252018-09-252018978-3-95796-126-6 dialectic between knowledge and non-knowl-edge may obscure the very fact that digitization has also “remedied” knowledge, lending it the character of a commodity instead of a norm (which it was previously considered, despite the disagree-ment on its proper characterization entertained by philosophers and epistemologists). Hence, one is required to situate not only non-knowledge vis-à-vis knowledge but also knowledge vis-à-vis digitization and a third term I would call “unknowledge.” Non-knowledge is taken to be a necessary condition of many phenomena that are not reducible to knowledge, which, at the same time, is threatened by the generalization of digitally fueled unknowledge.engCreative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 GenericDigital CultureOntologiePhänomenologieWissen300Digitality, (Un)knowledge, and the Ontological Character of Non-Knowledge10.25969/mediarep/1607978-3-95796-126-6