Hug, TheoZöllner-Weber, AmélieApollon, Daniel2023-08-212023-08-212008 of information before and after “information society” imply important conceptual shifts in the humanities, which are reflected in a variety of approaches to texts and documents. Focusing on the evolving relationship between three related but distinct concepts – information, data and communication, – this article examines the diversity of knowledge management projects in humanistic disciplines. Various humanistic approaches base their approach, implicitly or explicitly, upon a specific comprehension of the notions “information” and “data”, and offer a rather opaque treatment of the notion of “communication”. More than assuming a loose association between, on the one hand, information and data, and, on the other hand, knowledge goals in the humanities, the authors substantiate the claim that there exists a close functional relationship between these.engIn Copyrightinformationhumanitiesdatacommunicationknowledge300000The challenge of modelling information and data in the humanities10.25969/mediarep/19791978-3-902571-67-0