Hug, TheoDownes, Stephen2023-08-212023-08-212008 paper provides an overview of connective knowledge. It is intended to be an introduction, expressed as non-technically as possible. It is intended to respond to writers like Chris Anderson (2005) who, like many other writers, describe connective forms of knowledge as probabilistic. These forms of knowledge, created by means of interactions among connected entities, are outlined in publications such as James Suroweicki's (2005) The Wisdom of Crowds. They should not be thought of as probabilistic, but rather, as a distinct and new form of knowledge. The purpose of this paper is to introduce the reader to this new, connective, form of knowledge. It should go without saying that these are my own thoughts, and this discussion should not therefore be considered an authoritative reference on the subject. Moreover, this is intended to be a brief overview, and not an academic treatise on the subject.engIn Copyrightknowledgeconnective knowledgeinteractions100600An Introduction to Connective Knowledge10.25969/mediarep/19789978-3-902571-67-0