Knautz, KathrinBaran, Katsiaryna S.Hartmann, SarahWanner, Brigitta2019-09-062019-09-062016 the increasing use of social networking services (SNSs), such as Facebook, the topic of Facebook addiction attracts more and more researchers’ interest. However, until recently, it has been neither clear which characteristics define Facebook addiction nor whether it even exists. This chapter aims to explore the relatively new phenomenon of Facebook addiction and identify factors pointing toward excessive Facebook usage. As Facebook addiction is presumed to be a specific form of Internet addiction, an Internet addiction scale was tested for its applicability to measure Facebook addiction and was used as the basis for developing a Facebook addiction scale. Using an online survey, German Facebook users’ addiction potential was measured; moreover, participants supposed to be at risk were analyzed in detail to gain further insight into factors that may lead to excessive as well as addictive Facebook usage.engCreative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 GenericFacebook-AbhängigkeitAbhängigkeitSuchtVerhaltensstörungInternet-SuchtInternetFacebook addictiononline behavioral disorderexcessive Facebook usagesocial networking site addictioninternet addictionFacebook306384Does Facebook Cause Addiction? An Analysis of German Facebook Users10.25969/mediarep/11948978-3-11041-935-1