Gächter, YvonneOrtner, HeikeSchwarz, ClaudiaWiesinger, AndreasGiacomuzzi, Renate2023-08-222023-08-222008https://mediarep.org/handle/doc/21021Alban Nikolai Herbst’s literary blog Die Dschungel. Anderswelt differs from other blogs insofar as his experimental intention is to use the Internet not only as a publication platform but also to expose himself to the “dynamics of the net”. The author scrutinizes the relation between fiction and reality in the context of the technological conditions within which literary writing in the Internet occurs. “Cyberrealism”, a term developed by Herbst, refers to cybernetic models of thought, in which the technological development dissolves the interface between man and technology. In “Cyberrealism” the author turns into a “Cyborg”, a being which is located at the interface between man and medium, thus dissolving the antipodes between reality and fiction and between the private and the public. In this way he creates a new reality, or, in keeping with the term “Cyberrealism”: Cyberreality.engIn Copyrightfictionrealityliterary writingInternetCyberreality800700Von Dichtung und Wahrheit zum Kyberrealismus. Zu Alban Nikolai Herbsts „Poetologie des literarischen Bloggens“10.25969/mediarep/19809978-3-902571-81-6