Gifreu-Castells, ArnauMisek, RichardVerbruggen, Erwin2020-08-242020-08-242016-12-31 the last years, interactive digital media have greatly affected the logics of production, exhibition and reception of non-fiction audiovisual works, leading to the emergence of a new area called ‘interactive and transmedia non-fiction’. While the audiovisual non-fiction field has been partially studied, a few years ago emerged a new field focusing on interactive and transmedia non-fiction narratives, an unexplored territory that needs new theories and taxonomies to differentiate from its audiovisual counterpart.engCreative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 GenericFernsehennon-fiction transmedia070791Transgressing the Non-fiction Transmedia Narrative10.18146/2213-0969.2016.jethc10810.25969/mediarep/147142213-0969