Derry, Ken2023-05-252023-05-252022 many years now I have put a question on the final exam in various religion courses that asks students to apply ideas from the course to a short film screened during the exam. This is a film we have not watched or discussed before, so it is essentially new data for the class. In this article I discuss some of the challenges I encountered when I began using short films in exams and how I resolved them. I also discuss the many advantages of this approach, some of which I had anticipated (or at least hoped for), while others surprised me. These surprises include congruencies between using short films in exams and principles of trauma-informed pedagogy. The article includes specific examples from three courses of exam questions and films, and answers that three students provided.engCreative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 4.0 GenericFlippingScriptShort FilmsReligion Exams300Flipping (and Giving) the Script: Using Short Films in Religion Exams10.25364/05.8:2022.2.510.25969/mediarep/196022617-3697