Krtilova, Katerina2024-06-142024-06-142016 Flusser speaks about a ‘theory of gestures’, presented in the volume Gestures, his approach can hardly be called a theory. It defines neither subject matter — his examples range from movements of hands to revolutionary movements — nor method. Flusser's approach is however close to media philosophy. The gesture is not an ‘object’ that can be observed as independent from the act of observation. Flusser’s gestures are essentially performative — performing gestures of thinking, which are in the world, and not standing “above”, looking at the world from an objective viewpoint. Flusser’s questions refer to a long philosophical tradition with a specific twist: thinking about and interfering with a technical world.engMedia philosophytechnoscience700Inverse Motion of Thinking: On Technoscience, Gesture, and WritingVilém Flusser10.25969/mediarep/222322191-0901