Pasquinelli, MatteoWoodard, Ben2018-09-252018-09-252015978-3-95796-066-5 essay examines the concept of bootstrapping as a model of augmentative reason in contemporary neorationalist philosophies. In particular, it examines the concept of bootstrapping, here meaning mental capacities or processes capable of self-augmentation. Well illustrated in numerous time-travel fictions, the genealogy of bootstrapping lies in the legacy of German Idealism and can be met in the figure of Münchhausen. Looking how the problem of origin, or of determining an ultimately stable ground, is replaced by horizon, or location, both determined through action, the essay proposes that the notions of embodiment and location prove troublesome for neorationalism.engCreative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 Genericbootstrappingcognitive capabilitiesDeutscher IdealismusneorationalismZeitreise150Loops of Augmentation. Bootstrapping, Time Travel, and Consequent Futures10.25969/mediarep/1215978-3-95796-066-5