Hansson Nilson, Leo2023-07-172023-07-172023https://mediarep.org/handle/doc/20969This article argues that the critical study of algorithms must shift its focus from solving the problem of the ‘black box’ to seeing the structures that surround and pose it as a problematic in the first place. By mapping the movements of what I call algorimages, and the socio-technical infrastructures through which they circulate, the apparently ‘hidden’ imperatives of algorithms are made visible. Through the case study of Twitter, this article undertakes a critical, materialist analysis of algorimages as logistics, excavating their technical substrates and social conditions of emergence within transformations of the capitalist mode of production since the 1970s.engCreative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 Genericalgorithmsblack boxcapitaldigital imageslogistics300From cloudy logic to logistical system: Algorimages, black boxes, and the socio-technical infrastructure of platforms10.25969/mediarep/197572213-0217