Simanowski, RobertoDrucker, Johanna2019-09-062019-09-062016 welcomes governmental regulation on the internet against ‘neoliberal entrepreneurialism,’ rejects new grand narratives ‘reconfigured by the pseudo-authority of computation’ and considers the sociality of contemporary existence an obstacle for ‘interior life,’ innovation, and zoophilia. She compares Digital Humanities with the ‘cook in the kitchen’ and Digital Media Studies with the ‘restaurant critic,’ sees the platform and tool development in the Humanities as a professional, not academic track, she calls for a visual epistemology in times of Screen culture and diagrammatic knowledge production and she explains how to contaminate the world of quantitative and disambiguating underpinnings with the virtues of relativism and multi-perspectivism.engCreative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 GenericDigital HumanitiesInterview004At the intersection of computational methods and the traditional humanities10.25969/mediarep/11912978-1-78542-031-3