Etienne, Noémie2022-06-212022-06-212020 are multimedia installations used in museums and popular culture since the 19th century. I study two sets of anthropological dioramas: the ones made for the Museum of Natural History in New York by Franz Boas; and the ones fabricated at the New York State Museum in Albany by Arthur C. Parker. As I will show, dioramas are not only visual displays but also installations with a proper materiality and temporality: they are the stage of multiple performances and work as contact zones between objects, models, makers, and beholders.engCreative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 3.0 GenericMultimedia-InstallationenPopulärkulturDioramenmultimedia installationspopular culturedioramas700Through the Looking Glass – Dioramas, Bodies, and Performances in New York10.28937/100010841210.25969/mediarep/187491869-1366