Gächter, YvonneOrtner, HeikeSchwarz, ClaudiaWiesinger, AndreasSchröder, Thomas2023-08-222023-08-222008https://mediarep.org/handle/doc/21015What is still experimental elsewhere has long ago become commonplace in media for children. Successful series like “Die drei ???” (Engl. “The Three Investigators”) have not only been presented as books, audio plays or films for years, but also as computer games. A comparison shows that digital versions offer children a greater choice in terms of media reception. However, it also shows that medially provided possibilities are only partially exhausted. In terms of multi-mediality, objections are largely of an artistic and aesthetic kind. In the sphere of inter-activity, however, they point to central criteria of quality. Even the non-linearity of digital detective stories is to a large extent only fake. But how much more freedom would actually be desirable? How non-linear can a story be? Nonlinear storytelling in digital detective stories for children means that the same story is narrated differently – nothing more and nothing less.deumediachildrenmedia receptionnonlinear storytelling800300Z.B.: ??? Digitale Detektivgeschichten für Kinder10.25969/mediarep/19803978-3-902571-81-6