Querido, Pedro2020-01-272020-01-272019https://necsus-ejms.org/mid-twentieth-century-radio-art-the-ontological-insecurity-of-the-radio-text/https://mediarep.org/handle/doc/14061In this article, I set out to examine the ontological instability of mid-twentieth century artistic works written for the medium of radio that derives from the tension between transient sound and permanent text. I explore how the evanescence commonly associated with sound in general and radio in particular caused mid-twentieth century radio practitioners like Samuel Beckett, Harold Pinter, and Tom Stoppard to strive for both the simplicity of a superficially intelligible aural text and the complexity stemming from the thematisation of ambiguity and epistemological uncertainty.engCreative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 GenericambiguityBritainephemeralityintelligibilityThird ProgrammeMehrdeutigkeitAmbiguitätVergänglichkeitIntelligibilitätRadioHörfunkBritish Broadcasting CorporationBBC791Mid-twentieth century radio art: The ontological insecurity of the radio text10.25969/mediarep/131402213-0217