Gächter, YvonneOrtner, HeikeSchwarz, ClaudiaWiesinger, AndreasSchwinghammer, Alexander2023-08-222023-08-222008https://mediarep.org/handle/doc/21019Beginning with the theatre of ancient Greece, proceeding to television news and ending with computer in-game generated machinima, this paper takes a look at the momentums of intermediality and inter-mediation interwoven with the event and the representation as an event. Ancient Greek Theatre and television news serve as points of reference to inquire game engine based machinima and its medial performative displays. Overall this paper aims to contribute to anthropological approaches to game studies and to trigger discussions rather than casting a theoretical paradigm in iron.engIn Copyrightintermedialityinter-mediationtheatretelevisiongame studies800700Reporting / Narrating / Storytelling – Anthropological Explorations into Machinima & Its Neighbours10.25969/mediarep/19807978-3-902571-81-6