Feasey, Rebecca2019-07-182019-07-1820169783035307917https://mediarep.org/handle/doc/4872From SUPERNANNY to GILMORE GIRLS, from Katie Price to Holly Willoughby, a wide range of examples of mothers and motherhood appear on television today. Drawing on questionnaires completed by mothers across the UK, this book sheds new light on the diverse ways in which mothers make sense of popular representations of motherhood on television. The volume examines the ways in which these women find pleasure, empowerment, escapist fantasy, displeasure and frustration in popular depictions of motherhood. The research seeks to present the voice of the maternal audience and, as such, it takes as its starting point those maternal depictions and motherwork representations that are highlighted by this demographic, including figures such as Tess Daly and Katie Hopkins and programmes like TEENMOM and Kirstie Allsopp’s oeuvre.engCreative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 GenericFrauFrauenMutterschaftMutterFernsehenPublikumRezeptionIdentitätIdentifikationDiversitätAuthentizitätwomenmotherhoodtelevisionmotheraudiencereceptionSitcomidentityidentificationdiversityauthenticity791Mother on Mothers: Maternal Readings of Popular TelevisionHolly WilloughbyTess DalyMary BerryAlexandra ShulmanCherry HealeyKirstie Allsopp10.3726/978-3-0353-0791-710.25969/mediarep/4109THE SIMPSONSMALCOLM IN THE MIDDLEMODERN FAMILY