Baschiera, StefanoCaoduro, Elena2018-09-262018-09-262015 article explores the definition of ‘vintage cinema’ and specifically re-evaluates the fetishism for the past and its regurgitation in the present by providing a taxonomy of the phenomenon in recent film production. Our contribution identifies three aesthetic categories: faux-vintage, retro and anachronistic; by illustrating their overlapping and discrepancies it argues that the past remains a powerful negotiator of meaning for the present and the future. Drawing on studies of memory and digital nostalgia, this article focuses on the latter category: anachronism. It furthermore unravels the persistence of and the filmic fascination for obsolete analogue objects through an analysis of ONLY LOVERS LEFT ALIVE (Jim Jarmusch, 2013).engCreative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 GenericAnachronismusFetischismusNostalgieObsoleszenzvintageanachronismanaloguefetishismnostalgiaobsolescencevintage791Retro, faux-vintage, and anachronism: When cinema looks backJim Jarmusch10.5117/NECSUS2015.2.BASC10.25969/mediarep/15202ONLY LOVERS LEFT ALIVE2213-0217