#6 Politics of Reproduction
This special issue of spheres contributes to a critical engagement with the politics of reproduction, and as this relates to digital cultures in particular. Job losses, foreclosures, homelessness and dispossession, indebtedness, and rising precarity have shaped the realities of many in the wake of the Great Recession of the late-2000s. Although for many of course, an economic crisis—a crisis in the capacity to meet needs and desires in the context of scarce resources—long predates this point. It is these crises of social reproduction, and the emergence of social movements and struggles from within them, that provides the context in which much recent scholarship on the politics of reproduction has been produced and has circulated. It is also what has given it much of its urgency.
S. 1-10
Not One Woman Less. From Hashtag to Strike
S. 1-15
Ni Una Menos and the Politics of Translation
S. 1-7
Making Babies. New Reproductive Technologies and the Structure of the Family
S. 1-15
Friends and Family. The Reproduction of Queer Life
S. 1-14
Why the Sex Robot becomes the Killer Robot. Reprodution, Care, and the Limits of Refusal
S. 1-16
Careless Networks? Social Media, Care and Reproduction in the Web of Life
S. 1-12
Digital Labour and Social Reproduction - Crowdwork in Germany and Romania
S. 1-14
The Secret of Happy Families? Regulating (Re)Productive Labor with Agile Family Management
S. 1-12
"Every Moment of Our Reproduction as a Moment of Struggle". The New York Wages for Housework Archive
S. 1-7