3(2) 2017: Mobile Digital Practices
This issue discusses the mobility of people, data and devices from the perspective of digital mobile practices. As the authors of various empirical case studies show, these need to be studied both situationally, and on the move.
Introduction: Mobile Digital Practices. Situating People, Things, and Data
S. 5-18
I. Field Research and Case Studies
The MicroSDs of Solomon Islands: An Offline Remittance Economy of Digital Multi-Media
S. 21-39
In the Footsteps of Smartphone-Users: Traces of a Deferred Community in INGRESS and POKÉMON GO
S. 41-57
Digital Mediation, Soft Cabs, and Spatial Labour
S. 59-75
So ‘Hot’ Right Now: Reflections on Virality and Sociality from Transnational Digital China
S. 77-97
Twitter in Place: Examining Seoul’s Gwanghwamun Plaza through Social Media Activism
S. 99-121
Screen Screen Tourism
S. 123-141
Audiences, Aesthetics and Affordances: Analysing Practices of Visual Communication on Social Media
S. 143-163
Mobile Mediated Visualities: An Empirical Study of Visual Practices on Instagram
S. 165-182
‘Re-appropriating’ Facebook?: Web API mashups as Collective Cultural Practice
S. 183-204
II. Entering the Field
Situating Hobby Drone Practices
S. 207-218
The Inchoate Field of Digital Offline: A Reflection on Studying Mobile Media Practices of Digital Subalterns in India
S. 219-227
Mad Practices and Mobilities: Bringing Voices to Digital Ethnography
S. 229-236
An Experimental Autoethnography of Mobile Freelancing
S. 237-247
III. In Conversation with …
The Practice of Practice: Heather Horst, David Morley, and Noel B. Salazar in Conversation with Roger Norum
S. 251-267