#1 Politics after Networks
Recent Submissions
- ReviewStill Against NetworksKelty, Christopher M. (2014) , S. 1-4
- ArticleCampus Medius. Digital Mapping in the HumanitiesGanahl, Simon (2018) , S. 1-15
- ReviewNo More Walled Gardens? Response to Spectrum Access and the Public SphereO'Dwyer, Rachel (2014) , S. 1-8
- ArticleSpectrum Access and the Public SphereBeli (2014) , S. 1-14
- ReviewOn Signs and Subjectivity. A Response to Jodi DeanHinson, Tyler (2014) , S. 1-8
- ReviewAgainst Water. A Reply to Christopher M. KeltyMüggenburg, Jan (2015) , S. 1-5
- ReviewA Lead into the Life and Time of Digital Social ActionBialski, Paula (2014) , S. 1-3Review of: Felix Stalder, Digital Solidarity. London, Lüneburg: Mute & Post Media Lab 2013.
- ReviewTo See and to Be (With). Reflections on the Ecology of Web VideosSimons, Sascha (2014) , S. 1-6Review of: Andreas Treske, The Inner Life of Video Spheres. Theory for the YouTube Generation, Amsterdam, Institute of Network Cultures, 2013.
- ArticleAgainst NetworksKelty, Christopher M. (2014) , S. 1-16
- ArticleConsidering the Internet as Enabling Queer Publics/ Counter PublicsMcLean, Nyx (2014) , S. 1-12
- ArticlePolitics after Networks. Commons, Publics, CollectivesSpheres Editorial Collective (2014) , S. 1-3With this first issue dedicated to exploring Politics after Networks we launch spheres: Journal for Digital cultures. The journal is run by an editorial collective based at the Centre for Digital Cultures, Leuphana University of Lüneburg, and is supported by an international advisory board. It engages in contemporary, historical and emerging discussions concerning digital cultures and explores the social, cultural and political stakes at play by reassembling key concepts such as public spheres, media spheres and atmospheres. The journal invites exchanges between scholars, policy makers, media artists, activist and hackers, and offers a space where solicited contributions (after a first peer review) are openly reviewed through invited comments.
- ReviewRevisiting Places of Queer CrisisHuber, Marty (2014) , S. 1-3
- ArticleCommunicative Capitalism and Class StruggleDean, Jodi (2014) , S. 1-16
- ArticleOrganisation of the Organisationless: Collective Action after NetworksNunes, Rodrigo (2014) , S. 1-15
- ReviewThe Network Dynamics of MovementsApprich, Clemens (2014) , S. 1-4Review of: Rodrigo Nunes, Organisation of the Organisationless. Collective Action After Networks. London, Lüneburg: Mute & Post Media Lab 2014
- MiscellanyChildren, Media, and Pandemic Parenting. Family Life in Uncertain TimesWillett, Rebekah; Zhao, Xinyu (2024)This book examines changes in families’ rules and routines connected with media during the pandemic and shifts in parents’ understanding of children’s media use. Drawing on interviews with 130 parents at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the book explores specific cultural contexts across seven countries: Australia, Canada, China, Colombia, South Korea, United Kingdom, and United States. Readers will gain an understanding of family media practices during the pandemic and how they were influenced by contextual factors such as the pandemic restrictions, family relationships and situations, socioeconomic statuses, cultural norms and values, and sociotechnical visions, among others. Further, encounter with theoretical framings will provide innovative ways to understand what it means for children, parents, and families to live in the digital age.