2010/2 ‒ Medienphilosophie

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    Singing Prettily: Lena Horne in Hollywood
    Dyer, Richard (2010) , S. 11-25
    Lena Horne was the first African-American woman to be signed to a contract to a major Hollywood studio, who did however not know what to do with her. Her >colour< – in her voice as well as her looks – meant that she did not fit into the racial hierarchies of the day and she was largely confined oppressively to the margins. However, she was also able to some degree, and in collaboration with other African-American figures in Hollywood, to use this to give a glimpse of African-American modernism in Hollywood cinema. This is thus a case study of cultural production as struggle.
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    Der schöpferische Austausch im digitalen Medium
    Lévy, Pierre (2010) , S. 111-127
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    Die künstliche Intelligenz des Sinns. Sinngeschichte und Technologie im Anschluss an Jean-Luc Nancy
    Hörl, Erich (2010) , S. 129-147
    The paper presents Jean-Luc Nancy's outline of a history of sense and especially his thinking of exteriorization as an expression and working-through of the technological condition which characterizes the cybernetic culture of machines and objects. Furthermore, the paper suggests to ground the enthusiasm for the open and external (which is dominant in philosophical politics since 1950 and culminates in Nancy's work) in the supplementary, prothetic and transcategorical logic of the technical world.
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    Unter Aufsicht. Medium und Philosophie in Woody Allens Filmkomödie ANNIE HALL
    Engell, Lorenz (2010) , S. 149-167
    Philosophy and comedy are parallel enterprises of self-detachment. But while philosophy consistently carries out the detachment, comedy underlines its contradictions and undermines it. Thus, comedy gains an advantage especially where it reflects upon the material body which underlies every reflection, namely, its medium. My paper observes this process by studying Woody Allen's Annie Hall. Thus, the media-philosophy of the film can be contrasted against a philosopher's philosophy of the very same film.
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    Auf dem Weg zu einer Medienphilosophie anthropomedialer Relationen
    Voss, Christiane (2010) , S. 169-184
    The paper sees itself as a plea for an irreducibly relationalistic approach to anthropomedial relations in which man and media are always already dynamically linked. Based on the characteristics of the man-cinemarelation, the mode of affection comes to the fore that regulates both the form of existence and the accessibility of anthropomedial relations. In contrast to the common negligence of affects in media studies and philosophy, the investigation of practices and logics of affective meta-mediality could open a new field of study for media philosophy.
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    Meta / Dia. Zwei unterschiedliche Zugänge zum Medialen
    Mersch, Dieter (2010) , S. 185-208
    In media philosophy since Benjamin, the concept of medium is conceived in terms of »translation« or »transport«. In a similar vein, Christoph Tholen has brought the literal sense of »metaphor« as »meta-pherein« into focus. In my paper I argue that Tholen's approach misses the »meta« (»in the middle« or »beyond«) of »metaphor«, corresponding to the Latin »trans«. This is contrasted with the greek »dia« that allows the development of a performative notion of medium, which orients itself at material practices of transition.
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    Die politische Bedeutung der pornografischen Kehre
    Perniola, Mario; Maclaren, Sarah Fiona (2010) , S. 27-41
    The text is looking for a political explanation of the turn in Western attitude to pornography which has taken place since the sixties and even more so since the seventies. More surprising than the liberalization of pornography itself appears the massive pornographic self-exposure even by minors since the turn of the millennium. In addition to the reasons for this extraordinary permissiveness, the paper questions the role of technical and audiovisual media in this social development.
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    Alphabetisierung. Kombinatorik und Kontingenz Jean Pauls Leben Fibels, des Verfassers der Bienrodischen Fibel
    Menke, Bettine (2010) , S. 43-60
    Jean Paul's novel The Life of Fibel, Author of the Bienrodische Fibel places itself in a specific relation to literacy by identifying the alphabet and the spelling-book as a matrix of its own production. Thus, the text refers itself and its sense-effects back to the arbitrariness of its elements and their combinatorics. Moreover, at the margins of the book, it feigns to be abandoned to the contingency of its preliteral physis which is suppressed by sense, authority, authorship and control of the work.
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    Engell, Lorenz; Siegert, Bernhard (2010) , S. 5-9
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    Menschliche Gestalt
    Bataille, Georges (2010) , S. 61-69
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    Kommentar zu Georges Batailles »Figure humaine«
    Ebeling, Knut (2010) , S. 71-76
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    Übertragen als Transfiguration oder: Wie ist die Kreativität von Medien erklärbar?
    Krämer, Sybille (2010) , S. 77-93
    The social media of the Web can be understood as tools for the personal and social management of knowledge. In this framework, the creative exchange provides an active interface which transforms the empirical and local stocks of knowledge into explicit and globally shared knowledge. In a further step, it allows to transport the memory, once being made explicit, into personal and practically applicable knowledge. This paper presents the vision of a new symbolic medium which would increase the efficiency of creative online-exchange.