2017 | 2
Using Media in Religious Studies: Strategies of Representing Religion in Scholarly Approaches. Editorial
S. 9-15
Using Media to Teach Religious Studies: Reflections on Second-order Mediatisation of Religion
S. 17-35
SinnRäume – An Exhibition on Contemporary Religion in Germany: Exhibition Practice as a Medium in Religious Studies
S. 37-51
Emulating Science: The Rhetorical Figures of Creationism
S. 53-64
Shadows of the Bat: Constructions of Good and Evil in the Batman Movies of Tim Burton and Christopher Nolan
S. 67-69
Book review: Friedhelm Hartenstein/Michael Moxter, Hermeneutik des Bilderverbots. Exegetische und systematisch-theologische Annäherungen
S. 71-77
Book Review: Monika Leisch-Kiesl: ZeichenSetzung /BildWahrnehmung. Toba Khedoori: Gezeichnete Malerei
S. 79-84
Film review: On Body and Soul (Ildikó Enyedi) HU 2017
S. 85-89