Von «Idiotenlaternen» und «Kulturmaschinen». Klassenspezifische Vermöbelung von Fernsehapparaten in den 1950er/60er Jahren im interkulturellen Vergleich


The essay addresses TV furniture and cultural differences regarding their role in domesticating the medium of the TV in postwar homes in the USA and in West-Germany. A comparative approach may help to more clearly refine the category of class for media analysis. In this respect, console designs for TVs are considered as a site for social asymmetries, especially with regard to class. Instead of conceptualizing TV itself as a media dispositif, the architectures and home furnishings of television are treated as integral parts of a dispositif of domesticity. In such a perspective, shelving units, for instance, become central reference points for television in US and West-German living spaces that indicate class-specific characteristics of the culture of television.

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Preferred Citation
Miggelbrink, Monique: Von «Idiotenlaternen» und «Kulturmaschinen». Klassenspezifische Vermöbelung von Fernsehapparaten in den 1950er/60er Jahren im interkulturellen Vergleich. In: Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft, Jg. 10 (2018), Nr. 2, S. 62-71. DOI: 10.25969/mediarep/1301.
 author = {Miggelbrink, Monique},
 title = {Von «Idiotenlaternen» und «Kulturmaschinen». Klassenspezifische Vermöbelung von Fernsehapparaten in den 1950er/60er Jahren im interkulturellen Vergleich},
 year = 2018,
 doi = {10.25969/mediarep/1301},
 volume = 10,
 address = {Bielefeld},
 journal = {Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft},
 number = 2,
 pages = {62--71},
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