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Rückkopplungen. Ein E-Mail-Interview über Medien, Architekturen und die Ästhetik der Organisation


In this Email-interview Reinhold Martin and Meredith TenHoor discuss interrelations between architectural and media studies. Drawing on recent discussions about the renewed interest in the mediality of architecture, Martin and TenHoor take a look back at the developments of the 1960s in the US and France. Understanding architecture as «one among many media», they both emphasize the intermedial feedback loops through which ‹architecture› and ‹media› are constantly redefined.

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Martin, Reinhold; TenHoor, Meredith: Rückkopplungen. Ein E-Mail-Interview über Medien, Architekturen und die Ästhetik der Organisation. In: Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft, Jg. 7 (2015), Nr. 1, S. 91-102.10.25969/mediarep/1433
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