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From Saul Bass to participatory culture: Opening title sequences in contemporary television series



In the contemporary media landscape the opening title sequence continues to provide its traditional, paratextual function by introducing a storyworld, orienting the spectator, and managing expectations. Moreover, it consolidates other functions while nevertheless assuming new ones. As well as branding content, thus expressing its visual identity and putting it in relation to an audience, main titles connect viewers and contribute to creating ‘networked communities’ or ‘brand communities’ based on a shared passion for media content. This article discusses this renewed, double role of main titles – branding content, branding communities – with special regard to the television shows MAD MEN, THE WIRE, GAME OF THRONES, and SUPERNATURAL.

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Published in:

Re, Valentina: From Saul Bass to participatory culture: Opening title sequences in contemporary television series. In: NECSUS. European Journal of Media Studies, Jg. 5 (2016), Nr. 1, S. 149-175.10.25969/mediarep/3352
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