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Einige Fragen, das Verhältnis von Materie und Relation betreffend



This article is a commentary on the two articles by Stephan Trinkaus and Andrea Seier published 2014 in No. 11 of the Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft. The two articles provide critical analysis on the relevance of speculative realism and new materialism to media studies. This article aims to engage with the authors, by looking into the concepts relation and materiality in medieval and contemporary metaphysics, and suggests that instead of following the current speculative trend which can now only talk about simple objects, and discuss relation and materiality in separate terms, media studies can be an original speculative approach to reunite these two metaphysical concepts as a way to understand the technological progress. The article exemplifies this aspect by referring to Lyotard's analysis of the materiality of the digital during the 80s.

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Hui, Yuk: Einige Fragen, das Verhältnis von Materie und Relation betreffend. In: Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft, Jg. 7 (2015), Nr. 1, S. 165-170.10.25969/mediarep/1495
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