Weltbild und Ursprung. Für eine Wiederbelebung der Künste des öffentlichen Raums. Zu Heideggers Bildauffassung der 30er Jahre

Author(s): Wilharm, Heiner


›Bild und Moderne‹ is a notorious subject of talks and lectures MartinHeidegger gave in the 1930s. Mainly focussing on the writings The Age of theWorld View and The Origin of the Work of Art our contribution, in elevensteps, aims at a deconstruction of Heidegger’s concept and critical appraisalof the image. This analysis, however, is deepened by taking into account theHeideggerian critique of aesthetics, developed in his confrontation with Nietz-sche. By and large, Heidegger’s critique allows for the insight that the con-temporary privilege of the image, going hand in hand with a progressiveaestheticization of art, is a consequence of modern thinking: a result of themodern ego’s self-empowerment, which, both metaphysically and histori-cally, constitutes a main feature of modernity. Pondered within thisHeideggerian horizon, not only the attempts of a disciplinary founding in var-ious arts and the Art Sciences, but also the comparable intentions manifest inthe interdisciplinary reshaping of Visual Studies and Visual Culture must beput into perspective.

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Preferred Citation
Wilharm, Heiner: Weltbild und Ursprung. Für eine Wiederbelebung der Künste des öffentlichen Raums. Zu Heideggers Bildauffassung der 30er Jahre. In: IMAGE. Zeitschrift für interdisziplinäre Bildwissenschaft, Jg. 9 (2013), Nr. 2, S. 97-135. DOI:
 author = {Wilharm, Heiner},
 title = {Weltbild und Ursprung. Für eine Wiederbelebung der Künste des öffentlichen Raums. Zu Heideggers Bildauffassung der 30er Jahre},
 year = 2013,
 doi = "\url{}",
 volume = 9,
 address = {Köln},
 journal = {IMAGE. Zeitschrift für interdisziplinäre Bildwissenschaft},
 number = 2,
 pages = {97--135},
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