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“Good Icing can’t Change an Average Cake”. Gameful Experience, Work Relationships and the Automation of Behavioural Management


Research on the impact of gameful experiences on the automation of labour and value creation is in need of a critical reformulation. The results presented in this study developed from a critical reading of the current literature on gamification and its internal struggles. I ques- tion what the gamification of work is, this time including knowledge collected by decades of academic research in the field of digital cultures and society, converging in a diverse yet attuned corpus of neomateri- alist, post-anthropocentric, anti-Humanist, and intersectional theo- ries of politics, algorithmic cultures and social justice (see Braidotti/ Hlavajova 2017). Findings suggest the experimental development of gamification technologies materializes from an interest in governance through the automation of behavioural management, resulting in the forced correction of non-normative bodies through self-optimization. Beyond colonial, anthropocentric binaries, gamification’s genealogy is not found in the overcoming of the Eurocentric distinction between work and games, but in the algorithmic architecture of techno-capitalism.

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Gómez, Sebastián: “Good Icing can’t Change an Average Cake”. Gameful Experience, Work Relationships and the Automation of Behavioural Management. In: Digital Culture & Society, Jg. 5 (2019), Nr. 2, S. 61-82.10.14361/dc s-2019-0205
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