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Es schleimt, es lebt, es denkt. Eine Rheologie des Medialen


Much has been written about media, but the medium of all media has not been studied so far: I am referring to slime. Not just any slime, but the protoplasm of all life, the scientific mystery, which is still regarded as unsolved. And another mystery remains be solved, namely the peculiar coalition of slime and technical media. According to science, slime is not only the origin of the human species, but also the future of technology.

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Gramelsberger, Gabriele: Es schleimt, es lebt, es denkt. Eine Rheologie des Medialen. In: ZMK Zeitschrift für Medien- und Kulturforschung, Jg. 7 (2016), Nr. 2, S. 155-167.10.28937/1000107559
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