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Der Europäische Post- und Fernmeldeverein. Ein Blick auf die europäische Zusammenarbeit während des Zweiten Weltkrieges im Bereich der Telekommunikation


The European Postal and Telecommunications Union, founded in 1942, was the result of a German-Italian initiative and brought together many members of the European postal and telecommunications administrations. This foundation is in line with the major international scientific congresses of the late 1800s and official organisations such as the International Telecommunication Union (1865) and the Universal Postal Union (1874). The European Postal and Telecommunications Union differs from earlier initiatives in its European dimension and in its creation and existence during the world conflict of 1939-1945, a period which may initially seem unfavourable for technical cooperation. The inaugural conference of the Union took place in Vienna in October 1942 and was intended to bring together as many European postal and telecommunications administrations as possible, but France was excluded by the German Reich. However, the Union’s work was gradually suspended in 1944 because of the threat of war. The project is based on the thesis that the European Postal and Telecommunications Union was, on the one hand, an integral part of the long-term development of technical cooperation and, on the other hand, an integral part of the discussions on political conceptions of Europe. It reflects the long-term changes in intergovernmental relations in Europe, as common decision-making procedures were introduced, common tariffs were defined, cross-border telephone lines were established and discussions on the standardisation of radio systems were held.

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Published in:

Aldebert, Valentin: Der Europäische Post- und Fernmeldeverein. Ein Blick auf die europäische Zusammenarbeit während des Zweiten Weltkrieges im Bereich der Telekommunikation. In: Rundfunk und Geschichte, Jg. 46 (2020), Nr. 3-4, S. 100-102.
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