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Book part:
Die Karte als Interface


Digital maps and map-based services in everyday use of communication technologies are becoming ubiquitous. Navigation systems, GPS data and satellite images are responsible for the paradigm shift which brought new products and technologies to represent and reproduce our world and hereby made the ubiquity of maps possible. This increased attention to spatial order has induced a paradigmatic shift for maps as a new interface tool. Georeferenced media has thereby established a new spatial organization in which the relationship to space and location has shifted. The interaction of human-machine becomes essential. Another issue is the aestheticization of user interfaces. The article outlines emerging trends and phenomena along a design discourse and at the same time investigates practices from a historical Perspective.

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Published in:

Schranz, Christine: Die Karte als Interface. In: : . Marburg: Schüren 2016, S. 27-37.
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