Book part:
The Cloud, the Store, and Millions of Apps


The 1.5 million apps for the iPhone can be used for thousands of purposes. Many are cloud-based services, even more are games and simple utilities. The idea of Software as a Service is to have one instance of a program running on a central server, and only one browser to access these programs. From mobile devices it is more effective to access services from apps than from browsers, meaning that every user will need many apps. Moreover, hardware sensors are equally or more important to apps than cloud access. Rather than thinking of apps as software services, we should describe them as actors in a network where developers, users, and Appleā€™s hardware, programming environment and App Store are important parts.

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Preferred Citation
Fagerjord, Anders: The Cloud, the Store, and Millions of Apps. In: Kaldrack, Irina;Leeker, Martina: There is no software, there are just services. LĆ¼neburg: meson press 2015, S. 91-101. DOI: 10.25969/mediarep/1052.
ā€ƒauthorā€ƒ= {Fagerjord, Anders},
ā€ƒtitleā€ƒ= {The Cloud, the Store, and Millions of Apps},
ā€ƒyearā€ƒ= 2015,
ā€ƒdoiā€ƒ= {10.25969/mediarep/1052},
ā€ƒeditorā€ƒ= {Kaldrack, Irina and Leeker, Martina},
ā€ƒaddressā€ƒ= {LĆ¼neburg},
ā€ƒbooktitleā€ƒ= {There is no software, there are just services},
ā€ƒpagesā€ƒ= {91--101},
ā€ƒpublisherā€ƒ= {meson press},
ā€ƒisbnā€ƒ= {978-3-95796-056-6},
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