Simanowski, Roberto

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deutscher Literatur- und Medienwissenschaftler und Gründer des Online-Journals für digitale Kunst und Kultur Dichtung-Digital

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Publications from this person:

Now showing 1 - 4 of 4
  • Article
    network (h)activity: Interview with Mark Amerika
    Simanowski, Roberto (2000-11-03) , S. 1-10
    Mark Amerika is author of two literary novels, "The Kafka Chronicles" and "Sexual Blood" (1995), and also the Founding Director of the Alt-X Online Network (started 1993). Mark Amerika's project GRAMMATRON is one of the most widely accessed art sites on the World Wide Web, has been exhibited internationally including the Whitney Biennial 2000. Amerika's most recent project, PHON:E:ME, an mp3 concept album with an accompanying "hyper:liner:notes," was released at the Walker Art Center's Gallery 9 web site in 1999. Roberto Simanowski talked to Mark Amerika about his works, authorship, 'Avant-Garde Capitalism', and New Media Writing competitions.
  • Article
    Hypertext in Spain: Interview with Susana Pajares Tosca
    Simanowski, Roberto (2000-02-02) , S. 1-5
    Susana Pajares Tosca is the editor of the first spanish hyperfiction journal and is writing her doctoral thesis on "Hypertext and Literature" at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. She has been a visiting scholar at Brown University and at Oxford University, where she did research on hypertext. She is Co-Chair of the HT 00 Conference Reading Section and a member of the Program Committee. Roberto Simanowski talked with her about the state of the art and research of hypertext in Spain, about the pedagogical potential of hypertext, about the "hype-excitement" regarding the freeing of readers by multilinear linkage, and about parameters to classify a digital work of art.
  • Article
    A Book Author's Thoughts and Dreams About Digital Writing. Interview with Noel Baker
    Simanowski, Roberto (2003) , S. 1-5
    Noel Baker is the author of the best selling Hard Core Roadshow: A Screenwriter's Diary, a book about the shift of a book into a script for a film. Noel has also been interested in interactive fiction. He served as a consultant in seminars on interactive fiction. Roberto Simanowski asked him why he never himself wrote an interactive fiction, what he thinks about the readers' relationship to linearity and disorder, about his desire to shift a book into a new media work, and about the financial and technological limitations in digital writing.
  • Article
    Digital Literature: Interview with Noah Wardrip-Fruin
    Simanowski, Roberto (2004) , S. 1-28
    Noah Wardrip-Fruin is author and scholar of digital literature. He has edited two anthologies, one of new essays and the other of classic texts on new media: The New Media Reader (with Nick Montfort; MIT Press 2003) and First Person: New Media as Story, Performance, and Game (with Pat Harrigan; MIT Press 2004) (review). As an author of digital literature Noah Wardrip-Fruin has become well known for Gray Matters (together with Chris Spain, Kirstin Allio, and Michael Crumpton), a fiction embedded in images of a human body, and The Impermanence Agent (together with Adam Chapman, Brion Moss, and Duane Whitehurst). Both works were part of the Guggenheim Museum New York's 2001 "Brave New Word" program. More recent works of digital literature include Talking Cure and Screen. Noah Wardrip-Fruin is Traveling Scholar at Brown University. Roberto Simanowski talked with him about disappearing, instrumental, fixed, and responsive text - about text-games, word pictures, critical technical practices, and the future of digital literature.