Simanowski, Roberto

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deutscher Literatur- und Medienwissenschaftler und Gründer des Online-Journals für digitale Kunst und Kultur Dichtung-Digital

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Publications from this person:

Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Article
    Creating, selling, and evaluating Hyperfiction. An Interview with Mark Bernstein
    Simanowski, Roberto (1999-07-17) , S. 1-5
    Mark Bernstein has organised and participated in HT conferences since they began in 1987. He has presented both CD-Roms and articles about hypertext to these conferences, and anyone who heard and saw his keynote adress at the 99 HT Conference knows how entertaining his presentation can be. Roberto Simanowski talked with Mark about hypertext's present and future, and about the task of evaluation and publishing of hypertext.
  • Article
    Hypertext, Cybertext, Digital Literature, Medium: an interview with Espen Aarseth
    Simanowski, Roberto (1999-12-16) , S. 1-5
    Espen Aarseth is Associate Professor, Dept. of Humanistic Informatics, Univ. of Bergen since 1996. His research interests are Aesthetics of Cybermedia, Ergodic Literature, Hypertext, MUDs, Computer Culture Studies, and History of media thechnology. He has widely published on these topics and is well known as the author of "Cybertext: Perspectives on Ergodic Literature", one of the most thoughtful and challenging publications in the field. Roberto Simanowski talked with Espen Aarseth about hypertext resaerch and curricula in Norway, about classifications and categorisations, MUDs, the new umbrella term medium, and the distinction between art and commerce.