Engell, Lorenz

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Professor für Medienphilosophie und Dekan der Fakultät Medien an der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

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Publications from this person:

Now showing 1 - 6 of 6
  • Article
    Ontogenetic machinery
    Engell, Lorenz (2011) , S. 10-12
    Media, as considered by media philosophy, are not what you expect them to be. In the first place, they have almost nothing to do with information, or transmission, or communication, or storage. They do not as such produce sense or distribute meanings. If they do so, it is as a side effect or a secondary function. In the first place, media are complex assemblies of material objects, and operations, and handlings, mostly technical apparatuses and gestures, but not exclusively.
  • Article
    Engell, Lorenz; Siegert, Bernhard (2019) , S. 5-11
  • Article
    Engell, Lorenz; Siegert, Bernhard (2010) , S. 5-9
  • Article
    Engell, Lorenz; Siegert, Bernhard (2013) , S. 5-10
  • Article
    Ihre Medientheorie auf einer Seite?
    Heilmann, Till A.; Winthrop-Young, Geoffrey; Piepiorka, Christine; Adelmann, Ralf; Engell, Lorenz; Deuber-Mankowsky, Astrid; Schemer-Reinhard, Timo; Hanich, Julian; Roesler-Keilholz, Silke; Koch, Gertrud (2014) , S. 28-45