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Small Change – Big Difference: Tracking the Transmediality of Red Nose Day


This article analyses transmedia as a non-fictional social phenomenon, discussing the significance of participation, documentary, and community media. Specifically, the article conceptualises transmedia through the lens of charity politics. To do so, I use the Comic Relief charity campaign in the UK to trace how the social traditions, ways of life and sensibilities associated with Red Nose Day have evolved into emerging digital technologies to shape this charity campaign across the borders of multiple media platforms. Embracing how social specificity informs non-fictional transmedia, I position ‘infotainment’ as a key conceptual logic of nonfictional transmedia, showing how audiences follow the ‘ethos’ of Red Nose Day across multiple media.

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Published in:

Freeman, Matthew: Small Change – Big Difference: Tracking the Transmediality of Red Nose Day. In: VIEW Journal of European Television History and Culture, Jg. 5 (2016-12-31), Nr. 10, S. 87-96.10.18146/2213-0969.2016.jethc114
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