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Partizipation 3.0. Partizipation im Social Web. Ein diskursanalytischer Ansatz zur Erschliessung des Konzepts "Partizipations-Dispositiv"


The doctoral thesis deals with the phenomenon of participation in the social web, taking a discourse-analytical, interdisciplinary approach. The aim of the thesis is to develop an understanding of the phenomenon of participation in the social web and to condense this understanding into a hybrid concept, a “participation dispositive”. The “participation dispositive”, Participation 3.0, describes a theoretical model, which, as a form of hybrid illustration on a meta-level, deals with the concept of participation in the social web. This conceptual understanding results in application-oriented approaches and questions for further research aspects in the context of mediatization and digitalisation.
Siemer, Catharina: Partizipation 3.0. Partizipation im Social Web. Ein diskursanalytischer Ansatz zur Erschliessung des Konzepts "Partizipations-Dispositiv". Braunschweig: Hochschule für Bildende Künste 2019.
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