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Leading into the Franchise. Remediation as (Simulated) Transmedia World. The Case of SCOTT PILGRIM


In this article, I examine the SCOTT PILGRIM franchise from an adaptation as well as a transmedia franchising angle, setting these approaches off from Henry Jenkins’ conceptualization of transmedia storytelling. By focusing mainly on Edgar Wright’s film adaptation, I examine how remediation is used in the film as a strategy to link the adaptation to the comic books as well as the simultaneously released video game. I argue that the film both integrates itself into the larger franchise by drawing on the other products, particularly through its visual aesthetics, and opens the door to a larger transmedial world by ›simulating‹ its existence through references to other products that seem to, but do not in fact, exist in our world.

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Published in:

Fehrle, Johannes: Leading into the Franchise. Remediation as (Simulated) Transmedia World. The Case of SCOTT PILGRIM. In: IMAGE. Zeitschrift für interdisziplinäre Bildwissenschaft, Jg. 11 (2015), Nr. 1, S. 4-16.
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