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Bildtheoretische Analyse von Computerspielen in der Perspektive Erste Person


Computer games played in first person perspective (›first-person-shooter‹) are of high interest for the studies of pictorial phenomena, since only the specific form of presentation allows the execution of the game: namely the perspective which locates the player in the same place as the avatar within virtual space by the image. Owing to this invention and in contrast to previous games it is now possible to describe the common experience of the game as an entanglement of subjective impression and topographical representation (maps). Together they constitute the ›hodological‹ space (pathway space) of the game.

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Günzel, Stephan: Bildtheoretische Analyse von Computerspielen in der Perspektive Erste Person. In: IMAGE. Zeitschrift für interdisziplinäre Bildwissenschaft, Jg. 2 (2006), Nr. 2, S. 33-46.
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