Was heißt Medienästhetik? Ein Gespräch über algorithmische Ästhetik, automatisches Denken und die postkybernetische Logik der Komputation


The interview brings out the specific place and application of the contemporary media-aesthetic question, sketches the historicity of its emergence, and brings into focus the conceptual-political strategies that are needed for its accurate outlining. In the course of this discussion, media aesthetics are exposed as the central arena of the contemporary process of cybernetization, yet linked at heart to the new conditions of thought, subjectivity and politics which this process sets in operation. The media-aesthetic question exposes key problems of cybernetic media culture in general. Luciana Parisi first problematizes the implications of the still prevalent representationalist, expressive media aesthetics, behind the now outdated conception of media as articulation-machines and expression-machines. Cybernetized media have however long since exceeded the established media-functions, so Parisi suggests, and are to be understood as »cloners of the real«, as »immanent prehensors of data«, even, finally, as »prehensive machines of the un-articulable and un-representable«. Accordingly, she calls for an intensive, non-representative aesthetics of code, which is located on the level of the medial and technological situation and its corresponding forms of power, and whose core operations it enables to decipher. Ultimately algorithmic experiments, as they occur in digital architecture, are shown to be the basis for a fundamental re-evaluation of media aesthetics as such – a re-evaluation which, at the moment we are currently experiencing of entry into the new digital matrix, plays a, probably the critical function.

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Preferred Citation
Hörl, Erich; Parisi, Luciana: Was heißt Medienästhetik? Ein Gespräch über algorithmische Ästhetik, automatisches Denken und die postkybernetische Logik der Komputation. In: Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft, Jg. 8 (2013), Nr. 1, S. 35-51. DOI: 10.25969/mediarep/696.
 author = {Hörl, Erich and Parisi, Luciana},
 title = {Was heißt Medienästhetik? Ein Gespräch über algorithmische Ästhetik, automatisches Denken und die postkybernetische Logik der Komputation},
 year = 2013,
 doi = {10.25969/mediarep/696},
 volume = 8,
 address = {Zürich},
 journal = {Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft},
 number = 1,
 pages = {35--51},
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