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Architekturen des «environment». Reyner Banham und das dritte Maschinenzeitalter


Reyner Banham's book THE ARCHITECTURE OF THE WELL-TEMPERED ENVIRONMENT (1969) combined central questions of media and architecture studies in its concentration on the technical creation of environments through distributions of energy and information. For Banham, the coevolution of technology and architecture can be described as the history of man's rising capacity to control his environment. By showing how technical infrastructures produce not only comfort, but new environments, and by applying concepts of ecology, his book offers a vocabulary to explore the current technological condition of ubiquitous media.

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Sprenger, Florian: Architekturen des «environment». Reyner Banham und das dritte Maschinenzeitalter. In: Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft, Jg. 7 (2015), Nr. 1, S. 55-67.10.25969/mediarep/1398
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