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Kooperation und Konkurrenz. Veränderungen der Mediengestalter*innen-Ausbildung als Wettbewerb zwischen Sendeanstalten und Privatwirtschaft



This article analyzes changes in the training of audiovisual media designers (Mediengestalter*in Bild und Ton) over the last 25 years. Mediengestalter*in is the basic training in media technology in Germany: an all-round profession that includes camera, sound, recording and post-production. It is therefore also the standard qualification for young technical professionals in public broadcasting corporations. What characterizes all the changes in technical broadcasting training since the 1970s is the struggle between two groups to find a common line in the curriculum - the large broadcasting corporations and the small private companies, which often consist of only a few people. The primary conflict is that broadcasters are interested in having broadly trained personnel; they have many trades and want to deploy their staff flexibly. Small companies, on the other hand, are specialized in a few fields of activity and want to train precisely for their own area. After the media designer profession was explicitly tailored to the needs of public broadcasting in the 1990s, the revision of the training structure in 2020 clearly favors smaller companies. This change can be understood as symptomatic of the transformation of media production, as this article shows.

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Mika, Melanie: Kooperation und Konkurrenz. Veränderungen der Mediengestalter*innen-Ausbildung als Wettbewerb zwischen Sendeanstalten und Privatwirtschaft. In: Rundfunk und Geschichte, Jg. 46 (2020), Nr. 3-4, S. 43-52.
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