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Was uns angeht. Zur Einleitung


In this anniversary issue No. 20, we take a position on science and science policy, discuss questions of responsibility and care, and reflect on our own actions as researchers, writers, designers—and editors of a journal devoted to media studies. The issue is about situated writing and alternative forms of empiricism – especially in science. It’s about the university as a social and political space and as a site for desire and the pleasure of knowledge, for sexualized hierarchies and sexual violence. It’s about analog and digital publishing and how the ZfM is made, the decolonization of archives and how ethnological media research is shifting Eurocentric perspectives. «From what distance are things clear?»

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Bergermann, Ulrike; Eschkötter, Daniel; Figge, Maja; Löffler, Petra; Peters, Kathrin; Sprenger, Florian; Trinkaus, Stephan; Waitz, Thomas; Weingart, Brigitte: Was uns angeht. Zur Einleitung. In: Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft, Jg. 11 (2019), Nr. 1, S. 10-14.10.25969/mediarep/3713
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